We recommend vaccinating your pet against infectious diseases which are known to cause serious illness or fatality. Most vaccinations require a double dose to start the immunity, and an annual booster to ‘top up’. Alternatively for dogs, there is a blood test to check for antibodies against some of the diseases (known as Titre Testing). This test is run in-house and you will usually get the results on the same day.
Dogs should be vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis , Parvovirus (DHP) and Leptospira (L2 or L4). L4 vaccine covers more strains of Leptospira and is recommended for dogs that will be out and about in the countryside, or travelling around the UK and Europe. Puppies can be vaccinated from six weeks old with the final dose 4 weeks later, at 10 weeks of age or older. Full immunity takes one week for DHP and 3 weeks for Lepto.
Kennel Cough vaccination is required whenever dogs are mixed in large groups, such as at dog training or boarding kennels. The vaccine should be given three weeks beforehand to provide full protection. This vaccine is a live vaccine and can cause mild symptoms. If you are immunocompromised you should avoid contact with the vaccine or vaccinated dog, for up to 6 weeks. We use an oral vaccine so no nasty squirts-up-the-nose!
Breeding bitches can be vaccinated during pregnancy against Herpes virus. This will protect the puppies once they are born, through suckling colostrum, decreasing the risk of Fading Puppy Syndrome. It is also thought to improve fertility rates and litter size, but is not licenced specifically for this.
Rabies vaccinations are required for travelling pets and can be given from twelve weeks of age. See advice under
Pet Passports.
Cats which go outdoors should be vaccinated against Flu, Parvovirus and Leukaemia. Indoor-only cats which need protection to go to a boarding cattery only require vaccination against Flu. Kittens can be vaccinated from eight weeks old with the second dose 3-4 weeks later. Full immunity takes 4 weeks from the first vaccination.
Rabbits can be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and two strains of RHD/VHD (Rabbit/Viral Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea).The vaccines are given two weeks apart. Rabbits can be vaccinated against Myxo-RHD from five weeks old, immunity takes three weeks. VHD2 vaccine can be given from ten weeks old and immunity takes one week.